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Mardi Gras Pancakes


Are you looking for a delicious and creative way to celebrate Mardi Gras? Look no further than Vicky Cakes’ special Mardi Gras pancakes! Our Pancake Partner Chef B has crafted an amazing recipe that is sure to be a hit with your family and friends.

Not only are these pancakes tasty, but they are also vegan-friendly so everyone can enjoy them. So start your morning off right and get ready to make some unforgettable memories at the breakfast table with Vicky Cakes’ Mardi Gras pancakes!

This recipe was created by Chef B’s Casa. Follow her on Instagram @chefbscasa


mardi gras pancakes

Ready to get started? Follow the simple instructions below for delicious Mardi Gras pancakes!



Ingredients Needed For Mardi Gras Pancakes

Pancakes Ingredients

  • 1 bag of Original Vicky Cakes Pancake & Waffle Mix
  • 1 cup milk (almond, oat, coconut)
  • 1/4 cup applesauce (egg replacer)
  • 1tbsp vanilla
  • 1tbsp oil
  • Yellow, Green, and Purple sanding sugars
  • Cream Cheese Frosting


Directions to Cook Mardi Gras Pancakes

  1. In a mixing bowl add all wet ingredients to the pancake mix and stir until mixed well.
  2. Heat a non-stick skillet over medium heat. Add 1 Tbsp oil
  3. While the batter is resting, stir in 1/2 cup of rainbow sprinkles
  4. When the skillet is hot, pour 1/4 cup of batter into the skillet
  5. Cook for about 3 minutes per side
  6. Repeat until the batter is finished
  7. Place pancakes on a paper towel to cool off
  8. Once cooled, stack 5-7 pancakes
  9. Scoop 1/2 cup of cream cheese frosting into a microwave-safe dish and heat for 20 seconds
  10. Drizzle melted cream-cheese frosting over stacked pancakes
  11. Sprinkle with purple, yellow, and green sanding sugars

Enjoy the deliciousness!



We hope you enjoyed learning about and trying out our special Mardi Gras pancakes recipe! Remember, Vicky Cakes is here to make sure that your breakfast table memories are always full of joy and deliciousness. Our vegan pancake & waffle mixes provide the perfect base for all kinds of creative recipes like this one – so get cooking today and share the heart of breakfast with those around you! Happy Mardi Gras from Vicky Cakes – let’s keep celebrating together!

If you’ve never had Vicky Cakes Pancake & Waffle Mix before, give it a try because it’s not the average box just-add-water mix–in fact it’s the ANTI-just-add-water mix. It’s vegan friendly, has no preservatives, GMOs, or artificial ingredients; and best of all it comes in 5 varieties: original, blueberry, pecan, chocolate chip, and gluten-free.

Learn more and shop today at vickycakesonline.com.

If this tutorial was helpful, please share it with a friend or family member who loves pancakes, and click here for more recipes. We’ll see you at the table!

This recipe was created by Chef B’s Casa. Follow her on Instagram @chefbscasa
